Monday, February 17, 2014

Celebrities Flock to Chiropractic Care;
Should you?
     Chiropractors have a polarized image; either people love them or hate them. Some say they are quacks while others swear by the services they provide. But the truth is in the behavior of people whose careers depend on performance and image. Who better to trust than professional athletes and celebrities? If celebrities and professional athletes take advantage of chiropractic services, there has to be some benefit. It seems safe to trust in what the rich do to care for themselves. Here are the primary reasons celebrities use a chiropractor:
·        Hurry Up and Wait: This is the cliché Hollywood phrase that causes actors and support personnel to sit around for hours and hours. Sitting, and not being able to leave long enough to stretch your legs or get some exercise, tends to cause alignment problems. This is probably the one aspect of Hollywood that makes celebrities seek relief from a chiropractor. If you have a job that requires that you sit all day, you experience the same issue. Going to a chiropractor will likely help you.
·        Muscle and Joint Pain:  Professional NFL football players describe playing one game as equivalent to being in 30 to 40 car accidents[1]. Muscle and joint pain severely impact a player’s ability. Other professionals such as body builders, cyclists, and golfers also see chiropractors to ensure their form. A crooked golf swing or a cyclist who cannot keep their line will not last long in their job! Most ordinary people have lower back pain. This causes us not to walk straight or to favor one side over the other. These issues affect our performance to in terms of low production or missed days at work.
·        Being Lopsided:  Actors are paid to look good. Depending on the role they are playing, the character may or may not have certain ailments. But in general, celebrities are expected to wear designer labels, make appearances at events and look fabulous. This is difficult to do if one shoulder is higher than the other, or the hem of their dress is uneven. So, celebrities see a chiropractor. Even ordinary people want to look good on the job. Having your head directly over your shoulders and weight evenly distributed will only make you look better and feel more confident.
·        Injury treatment and prevention: Professional athletes and celebrities who do a lot of their own stunt work see chiropractors as part of a general wellness plan. Regular chiropractic adjustments before and injury are just as important as having them after an injury. Celebrities need to be sure their bodies are in top form. This allows for better and safer performances. When your body is aligned and all joints are working properly, you are less likely to suffer injury or to heal faster from one.
     Professional Athletes and celebrities have the means to do whatever they need to do to perform well. They all work in a very competitive environment. If celebrities and professional athletes experience a benefit from seeing a chiropractor, the odds are extremely high that consulting one is a good thing to do. Celebrities have nothing but great things to say about their chiropractor. Click here to read what they say and here to understand why so many athletes have their own chiropractor that travels with them. If you are still skeptical about seeing a chiropractor, you can see one yourself and decide if they can help. But if so many people like celebrities whose livelihood depends on their bodies working perfectly use a chiropractor,  that is the best recommendation one can have.


Saturday, February 8, 2014

Why Use a TENS Unit?
The uses and benefits
     Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation or TENS is a way to treat back pain. It is best used in conjunction with other pain alleviating treatments[1]. A TENS unit, as it is called, is a battery operated durable medical device that is relatively small and portable. While the research about TENS unit use on back pain is inconclusive, it also appears that the research conducted has had so many different control and sample group types, it can be difficult to say that TENS treatment is NOT helpful. Many people have described relief, and many others have not. The good news is that TENS treatment is relatively safe when used properly. Here are some things you should know before using a TENS durable medical equipment:
·        Uses: TENS is used for the treatment of acute lower back pain (such as that experienced after back surgery) as well as to control labor pain during childbirth. Generally, TENS is NOT USED FOR CHRONIC BACK PAIN LASTING LESS THAN ONE YEAR. The idea for TENS use in childbirth is to use it instead of other pain killing techniques than may harm mother, child or both. It is also used to promote wound healing and neuropathic pain, a complex condition of the soma sensory system.  Neuropathic pain can result from chemotherapy, shingles, multiple sclerosis, alcoholism and many other situations.
·        How Does TENS Work? The basic idea around TENS is to stimulate nerves in such a way as to alleviate pain. This is based on what is called the Gate Theory which surmises that stimulating larger nerve fibers will block out the pain felt from activity in the smaller nerve fibers. Ironically, it is the small nerve fibers that are the culprit in pain. By stimulating nerves in this way, the “gateway” to the brain in the spinal cord could be blocked so pain is not felt. This is not a new theory, and has been around since around 1965.[2]
·        How Long Does TENS Treatment Last?  Pain relief can last anywhere from a few minutes to 18 hours. If a high frequency electric pulse is used, pain relief is usually instant, but ceases when the electrodes are turned off. Using a lower frequency takes longer to work, but the effects tend to last several hours. It is important that you talk to your doctor about which frequencies are safe for you to use. Obvious concerns are things like pacemakers and pregnancy, but there are other considerations that your doctor can identify for your situation.
·        How do I get TENS Treatment? The first step is to see your Chiropractor to determine if you are a candidate for TENS. If you are, and your doctor prescribes it, you will then most likely see a Chiropractor to show you how to use the machine. You will learn where to place the electrodes and the settings that will best treat your condition. There is a learning curve for TENS units and safety precautions must be taken, TENS treatment is not to be taken lightly[3].
     Although the evidence about the usefulness of a TENS treatment is varied, enough evidence shows that there is reason to believe that it can be useful in managing long lasting (over one year) chronic or acute pain. Probably the most important finding of research is that TENS treatment does not seem to be effective as the ONLY treatment for pain. But, when it is used in conjunction with other pain relieving therapies, it seems to be more helpful. Adding TENS therapy to your pain management regimen may serve you well and it is worth investigating.