Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Quiropractico en Van Nuys Alivia la Ciatica Naturalmente

Quiropractico en Van Nuys Alivia la Ciatica Naturalmente
Dr. Anthony Silva DC
Tel: 818-922-7755

Esta sufriendo de dolor de espalda que le corre a las piernas? Siente punzadas, hormigueo, o adormecimiento en los pies? Si tiene esos sintomas, es posible que esta sufriendo de compresión del nervio ciático.

Este problema es común en personas que sufren de discos herniados en la espalda baja cuando partes del disco lastimado presionan al nervio ciático. El dolor puede aumentar al levantar cosas pesadas, al inclinarse hacia adelante, y al estornudar o toser. El error que cometen muchas personas es que toman medicamentos que solo adormecen la sensación de dolor pero no corrigen la hernia o la causa del problema.

En nuestra clinica le ayudamos a eliminar los problemas de discos y ciatica naturalmente. El doctor esta dispuesto a mejorar su salud y contestar sus preguntas. Llamenos ahora mismo al numero en la pantalla.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Happy new year. This is the beginning of...

Happy new year. This is the beginning of whatever you want!

Happy new year. This is the beginning of...

Happy new year. This is the beginning of whatever you want!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Whenever there is a misalignment of the bones...

Whenever there is a misalignment of the bones in the spine, the nerves between those vertebrae become irritated, leading to a disruption in the nerve's ability to communicate correctly with its target.​

Whenever there is a misalignment of the bones...

Whenever there is a misalignment of the bones in the spine, the nerves between those vertebrae become irritated, leading to a disruption in the nerve's ability to communicate correctly with its target.​

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

​"All drugs in the world cannot adjust a...

​"All drugs in the world cannot adjust a subluxated vertebrae." B.J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.

​"All drugs in the world cannot adjust a...

​"All drugs in the world cannot adjust a subluxated vertebrae." B.J. Palmer, D.C., Ph.C.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Make yourself a top priority. Remember that...

Make yourself a top priority. Remember that it's never too late to make better choices for your health.

Make yourself a top priority. Remember that...

Make yourself a top priority. Remember that it's never too late to make better choices for your health.